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画出零瑕疵底妆 - BareMinerals矿物粉底使用教学


微信公众号:ReginaMakeup 蕊姐的网站 微博 邮件 Instagram: ReginaGao 新娘和其他造型服务

视频中提到的产品 Avene Hydrance Optimale Hydrating Serum Avene Hydrance Optimale Aqua Cream-In-Gel Eve Lom Radiance Perfected Tinted Moisturizer #No.2 Ivory It Cosmetics Bye Bye Under Eyes #Medium BareMinerals Original SPF15 Foundation #Golden Fair #Golden Medium Chikuhodo GSN-2 Powder Brush Chikuhodo GSN-3 Cheek Brush BareMinerals Concealer #Summer Bisque BareMinerals Concealer #Well-Rested Rae Morris Brush 9.1 Pencil Point Shader

视频中的耳钉和戒指 Sarah & Sebastian

视频中的上衣 SEED

视频中的唇色 NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pen #Dolce Vita

视频中的眼影 Tom Ford #Disco Dust


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